

What is this program all about?

This program is about giving positive experiences, exposures and feedback to children to build their confidence in thinking ability, social skills and desire to excel. As we know, as adults, we often draw from our experiences and beliefs developed in childhood. Hence it is very important to encourage children to raise questions, chart out various alternatives and make choices. As children develop self control as they grow, this is the right age to help them to form good habits. The program is a playful way to enhance their cognitive development, self-development and people skill.

How will Poiesis help your child?

The program provides hands-on experiences to children to apply their mind to various situations, arrive at more than one answer and realize their power to think logically, creatively and in multiple ways. They also learn about speaking effectively, developing friendship, team working, power of good habits for achieving excellence through reflection after actions.


Develop an understanding that there are more than one ways to respond to different situations.

Think about different ways of conducting self in day-to-day life at home, school and social avenues.

Learn about smarter/systematic ways of working individually & in teams.

Develop a deep sense of self-worth and become more responsible and happy.

Parent's session:

The parent's session covers the pillars of self-esteem and how parents can play a very supportive role in helping the child in self-expression, thinking, building habits and socialization. The parental dilemmas for permissiveness and control, use of technology etc. are also discussed.

Program Details

Eligible Age - 8.0 - 9.5 years

Total Sessions - 15 (14 for children, 1 for parents)

Total Duration - 22.5 hours

Fees - Rs.3,200/- per participant, which includes the cost of the program materials.

For more details on registration - contact us or fill the nomination form.

Nomination Form